October 19-20, 2024


A fitness festival with nightclub energy. Together with adidas, Les Mills is bringing big moves, big beats and even bigger joy to Kraftwerk Berlin – uniting a community who come to move and stay
to sweat.
Over two incredible days you can experience new workout highs, the biggest trends in movement and music, and be part of the exclusive filming of the latest workout innovations.
Designed to inspire, empower, and connect, LES MILLS LIVE is making group training more joyful – the way it should be.

More info + tickets

August 23, 24, 25 2024


presented by BERLIN ATONAL. Situated performance nights in Kraftwerk. All new works. + Tresor/Globus + OHM.

Passes allow unrestricted access to all events across the three-day program (23 24 25 August). Three original performance nights in Kraftwerk, featuring all newly created work from a range of artists working at the cutting edge of experimental culture, plus aftershows in Tresor/Globus + OHM. Project and artist information, and individual tickets to the concerts as well as separate tickets for the aftershow program will be released on the 26.06.2024. Final schedule information released in July and tickets will be on sale until sold out. OPENLESS is a one-off project by Berlin Atonal. The next Berlin Atonal festival edition will take place in late summer 2025.

more info & tickets

August 16-19 2024

Jefta van Dinther

Premiere as part of „Tanz im August“

Where do we draw the line between experimentation and transgression, freedom and violence? In a series of new creations working across movement, song, film, gaming, and objects, van Dinther examines the human longing for alternate realities. The audience is encouraged to navigate freely through an immersive installation – a maze of performances, each engaging with specific phenomena of our time, such as virtual escapism, deep fakes, or attachment to machines. “AUSLAND” emerges as a balancing act between subversion and illusion, where play can turn serious at any moment.

Minimum age: 12 years / english language

Duration 3 h 30 min | Admission any time

info & tickets

30. Juni 2024

Klimakonzert Berlin – Ton&Arten

Die zerbrechliche Vielfalt der Natur. Livemusik, Fotoprojektion und Spazierengehen im Kraftwerk

Orchester des Wandels (Staatskapelle Berlin & Friends)

15:00 Uhr Schmelzende Schönheit

Blechbläser, Streicher und der Glacionaut. Gletscherwelten von einst und heute führen uns den Klimawandel eiskalt vor Augen.

Solist: Matthias Höfs, Trompete; Fotos: Glacionaut, Daniel Haeker

16:30 Uhr Rufender Araponga

Celloklänge, Vogelstimmen und Bilder aus unserem neuen Brasilien-Projekt. Von Indigenen handgefertigte Pfeifen geben gefährdeten und bereits ausgerotteten Vogelarten eine Stimme.

Solistin: Ute Wassermann, Komponistin, Vocals; Fotos: SAVE Brasil

18:00 Uhr Rostende Überbleibsel

Streicherkammermusik und Hinterlassenschaften. Die Spuren des Menschen in der Natur, künstlerisch inszeniert. Betrachten wir, was übrig bleibt.

Solistin: Alina Pogostkina, Violine; Fotos: Daniel Haeker

Der Eintritt ist frei – Um Spenden wird vor Ort gebeten

Link zur Staatsoper

ab 14 Uhr gibt es in Garten Kaffee und Kuchen sowie indonesische Speisen vom Restaurant Makan Enak (ehem. Schmucks Restauration) in der Brückenstraße


Fanzone EUROLEAGUE Basketball Final 4


The three-day event is packed with exciting activities, shops and indoor and outdoor catering options that are not only interesting and entertaining for sports fans.

As always, the FanZone is all about basketball.
In addition to the scheduled appearances by players from the Final Four teams on Saturday morning, 3×3 and 5×5 tournament games will be held daily on the main court and halfcourt. There will also be One Team Sessions with Final Four players and ambassadors as well as the annual ANGT Slam Dunk and Three Point Shootout with Euroleague legends as referees.

Admission is free


Fanzone EUROLEAGUE Basketball Final 4

Hoop District x Off Court

Designed for the digital age, Hoop District is a brand-new Euroleague Basketball 3×3 competition that brings together content creators from all around Europe to compete on & off the court and fight for a €10,000 cash prize. And you don’t want to miss it when it comes to Berlin as part of the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague Final Four!

Team London will be led on the court by Behrad Bakhtiari & Denzel Kazembe, Team Berlin’s captain will be Sebastian Mechseiner, Team Barcelona will have in Oriol Tres its floor general and finally, the All Star Team will have a main figure in Jamad Hussean.

Hoop District is part of Euroleague Off Court – a fusion of basketball, art, streetwear, fashion and music. The Hoop District tournament will take place on Thursday, May 23 from 16:00-21:00 CEST at Kraftwerk Berlin, which is also the home site of the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague FanZone. In addition to the Barcelona and London teams that qualified from the Paris Hoop District tournament in March, Team Berlin and an all-star team will also compete at this week’s big event.



Kraftwerk Berlin is closed until the next public event.

New announcements will be published on this page first.

Click here for our newsletter .




by Christopher Bauder

February 1st – April 7th 2024

The world premiere of the latest large scale light installation by Christopher Bauder at Kraftwerk Berlin.

After the great success of SKALAR (2018) and DEEP WEB (2016 + 2019), Kraftwerk will be filled once more by a captivating experience that seamlessly blends light, sound, and motion.

VEKTOR will be deeply rooted in Bauder’s fascination with light as a material, transforming this ephemeral form of energy into almost architectural structures that are skillfully designed to evoke abstract emotional responses.

More Information


29. Oktober 2023, ab 19:00h, 10€
Kraftwerk KARTON international #5:
Olga Hohmann: In Deinem Rechten Auge Wohnt Der Teufel — Weltpremiere
Garten vor dem Kraftwerk und OHM Club

Gemeinsam mit dem Korbinian-Verlag präsentiert der Karton international die Weltpremiere von Olga Hohmanns “IN DEINEM RECHTEN AUGE WOHNT DER TEUFEL”

Ab 19 Uhr Videokunst von WIELAND SCHÖNFELDER im Karton

20.15 Uhr OLGA HOHMANN in einer Performance mit BAHAR KAYGUSUZ im OHM

gefolgt von einem DJ Set von ANROLE

!!! ACHTUNG !!! Das Event findet im Garten VOR dem Kraftwerk sowie im OHM Club statt, es wird keinen Zugang ins eigentliche Kraftwerk Gebäude geben.

07. – 17. September 2023


Berlin Atonal returns to Kraftwerk Berlin in September 2023 for its first full edition in over four years.

The festival contains 6 concert nights spread over two weekends (07/08/09 and 15/16/17 September). Each concert night encompasses dozens of shows, all taking place in the Kraftwerk complex, which includes the powerplant as well as Tresor, Globus and OHM each day from 18:00.

Between these two concert weekends there will be a four day exhibition entitled Universal Metabolism. The exhibition invites audiences on a performative journey of artworks created or adapted for the building. Between audio-visual works, performance, in-situ sculptures, video art, and immersive sonic environments, these works materialise and dissolve in a dynamic temporal sequence, each day travelling toward a specific concert-based endpoint.

Festival passes are now sold out. Weekend 1 and Weekend 2 passes are still available as are day tickets and exhibition/concert tickets.

Tickets and further programme information here.

30. Juni 2023, ab 19:30h, 15€ / 10€
Kraftwerk KARTON international #4:
Tegel Media Rundgang ’23
Garten vor dem Kraftwerk und OHM Club

Auf dem Campus der Tegel Media Artschool wären alle Menschen freundlich. In kleinen Klassenräumen mit großen Fensterscheiben würde getextet und gelesen, gefilmt und geschnitten, illustriert und erzählt. Und jedes Jahr im Sommer gäbe es einen Rundgang und eine entspannte Party.

Positive Vibes since 2017. Be Tegel.

19:30 — 20:45 Tegel Media Video Retrospektive (Videos since 2017 — feat. Olufemi Atibioke, Ariana Berndl, Leif Randt, Sophia Wilke, uvm.) im KARTON INTERNATIONAL

20:45 PDF Premiere (Jona Spreter) im GARTEN VOR DEM KRAFTWERK
21:15 Video Premiere (Moritz Klein) im KARTON INTERNATIONAL
22:00 Audio Premiere (Dorothea Studthoff) im OHM
22:30 Video Trailer (Sophia Eisenhut) im OHM
23:00 – 04:00 DJ Sets (Mondame & Eljesa) im OHM

tegelmedia.net ist das PDF-Publishing-House der Autoren Jakob Nolte und Leif Randt.

!!! ACHTUNG !!! Das Event findet im Garten VOR dem Kraftwerk sowie im OHM Club statt, es wird keinen Zugang ins eigentliche Kraftwerk Gebäude geben.


AROTIN & SERGHEI: Infinite Screen

For the first time in Germany the large-scale installation „Infinite Screen“ by artists duo AROTIN & SERGHEI will be shown at Kraftwerk Berlin. The immersive audiovisual art installation has been shown in changing form and contexts at the Venice Biennale, Ars Electronica, the Fondation Beyeler, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and the Center Pompidou in Paris. Each time the modular artwork has been recomposed creating a dialogue with the collective memory of the specific place. Beginning with artistic recreations of the smallest components of digital pixels – the red, green and blue „light cells“, the artist duo questions the DNA of today’s imagery and the principle of transformation.

The artists reassemble the light cell modules of their monumental installation from the Center Pompidou and create a huge intermedial sculpture that crosses the entire building and opens up new perspectives. The main works of the exhibition are two large-scale installations, Constellations of The Future and Apocatastasis, which are specially created for the two main levels of Kraftwerk. The title Apocatastasis, refers to the ancient concept of a post-apocalyptic reset – An immersive exhibition that describes both the macrocosm and microcosm of our world, using screens as symbols and portals to infinity.

Exhibition: April 26-30.2023 daily from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tickets here

Infinite Screen is a project by AROTIN & SERGHEI realized in cooperation with Ircam / Centre Pompidou / Festival Manifeste, La Biennale di Venezia, Klangforum Wien, WDR, Wien Modern, Ars Electronica, Fondation Beyeler Basel, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Kraftwerk Berlin, and supported by Kira A. Princess of Prussia Foundation,
Espace Muraille, Eva Kahan Foundation, Guerin Projects. Technical Partner: Active Image. Exhibition Catalogue: Ed. Hatje Cantz

23. April 2023, from 18h, 7€

Kraftwerk KARTON international #3

Kraftwerk Garden & OHM-Club

VIDEO INSTALLATION and ART by Fette Sans in the Karton „La Reprise (Dérive)“ 2h28m.
PERFORMATIVE READING by Anna Gien from her new book „Paris Rot“ at 7pm, followed by.
MUSIC at the OHM by VK

!!! ATTENTION !!! The event will take place in the garden BEFORE the power plant as well as in the OHM Club, there will be no access into the actual power plant building.


04. Dezember 2022, ab 17h

Christian Hoosen „Filme, Werbung, Marx“ im Karton
im Karton International im Garten vor dem Kraftwerk & OHM-Club

VIDEO-INSTALLATION und KUNST von Christian Hoosen
MUSIC im OHM von SzaryMdslktr

Karton weltweit präsentiert neue Arbeiten von Christian Hoosen.

Christian Hoosen, geboren 1981 in Verden, lebt in Berlin.
Er behauptet vehement, ein Hund habe seine biografischen Daten gefressen. Geboren 1981 in Niedersachsen, lebt und arbeitet er als Maler, Keramiker, Pilot, Anthropologe und Therapeut in Berlin. In seinen Arbeiten analysiert er isolierte Essenzen von relevanten und irrelevanten Stimuli. Sie können sowohl physischen als auch psychischen Ursprungs sein und werden meist mit historischen oder gesellschaftlichen Themen in komplexen Gedankengängen zu einem endgültigen Werk verbunden. Grundlage dafür ist immer die Suche nach einem multikompatiblen kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner innerhalb einer Rezipientengruppe. Es wird behauptet, dass Hoosen ein professioneller Tänzer und Vorbild für eine ganze Generation von Tänzern war. Das wird allerdings überwiegend in Frage gestellt.

Seine letzte Ausstellung B-Ware war im Frühjahr bei Dittrich&Schlechtriem zu sehen.

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

!!! ACHTUNG !!! Das Event findet im Garten VOR dem Kraftwerk sowie im OHM Club statt, es wird keinen Zugang ins eigentliche Kraftwerk Gebäude geben.



Berlin Atonal is happy to announce X100 – a new one-off festival that celebrates and contextualises the legacy of Iannis Xenakis (1922 – 1997) taking place at Kraftwerk Berlin. Xenakis’ pioneering work initialised techniques and directions that continue to inspire a variety of disciplines from architecture and drawing to music theory and light design. But a hundred years after he was born, the continuing presence of this great composer is felt most strongly in the thriving and overlapping tradition(s) of experimental electronic music – the world in which Berlin Atonal has been working.

The music of this prolific utopianist continues to not only challenge modes of temporal existence, but of how music can be imagined and shared. For this special festival his work – electro-acoustic, instrumental and vocal – will be contextualised by performances and presentations by some of the most pioneering artists working in experimental culture today.

Details and tickets are available at www.berlin-atonal.com now for each of the three festival nights as well as a festival pass that will allow entry to each night of the festival and guaranteed access to a workshop programme that will be detailed in the coming weeks. Performances will be spatialised on the main floor of the Kraftwerk powerplant with afterparties in OHM.

X100 is organised by Outer (the team behind Berlin Atonal) curated together with Studio Labour.

October 23, 2022 from 6pm

Tegel Media Speed Lounge at Karton International in front of the Kraftwerk

at Karton International (NEW!) in the garden in front of the Kraftwerk & OHM-Club (GREAT!)


READING by Joshua Groß (at 19:30, in German language)
MUSIC by Pachinko&Slot + DJ Tryniti + Bruno DJ

Tegel Media and Kraftwerk Berlin present a video installation in the brand new Karton International in front of the Kraftwerk, followed by a PDF premiere in the club.

Fast & Furious is one of the most successful film series of all time. Writer Joshua Groß is positively obsessed with the franchise about car tuning, family conflicts and CGI explosions. For Tegel Media, he has written an essay and fanfiction about his favorite cinematic content. Joshua will read from these texts live, by disco light.
At the same time, VJ team Prizesin Haralt (Lilly Urbat and Karin Kolb) will present their specific take on Fast&Furious in a walk-through video installation that opens Karton International, ongoing from 6pm.

Tegel Media has been a label for light content and positive vibes since 2017, releasing five PDFs and one video in 2022 — less content than in previous years. With the Speed Lounge, the label around writers Jakob Nolte and Leif Randt reports back.

Karton International in the front garden of Kraftwerk Berlin is brand new and from now on sometimes shows time-based art.

Admission is 5€ at the box office, there is no presale.

!!! ATTENTION !!! The event will take place in the garden BEFORE the Kraftwerk as well as in the OHM Club, there will be no access into the actual Kraftwerk building.

08.07. – 27.08.2022

Tresor 31

Techno, Berlin und die große Freiheit

Club nights Aug 26 & 27 and end of festival

Find the detailled program here


Saturday, August 13, 2022 | 22 Uhr

Tresor 31 im Kraftwerk w/ Herrensauna, Dopplereffekt, Headless Horseman


Kraftwerk Tresor x Herrensauna | CEM | JASSS | MCMLXXXV | Paurro | Sepehr

Globus Baby T | Dopplereffekt [live] | Nite Fleit | Z.I.P.P.O#

Tresor Emily Jeanne | Headless Horseman | Liza Aikin | UVB [Live]

OHM Tresor 31 x Sound Metaphors | Nemo & Castro | Mr Sian


Advance tickets 30€ available via Resident Advisor or “On the door”

Friday, August 12, 2022 | 10 PM

Tresor 31 at Kraftwerk w/ Giant Swan, Shed, Rrose, Wata Igarashi


Kraftwerk 3Ddancer [live] | Mafou | Giant Swan [live] | Pär Grindvik | SØS Gunver Ryberg

Globus DJ Shufflemaster | rRoxymore | Shed | Wata Igarashi

Tresor Antenes | Gaja | Rebekah | Rrose [live]

OHM C.FRIM | Gigsta | object blue | Yu Su


Advance tickets available via Resident Advisor or “on the door”.

Sunday, August 8, 2022 | 8 PM

Tresor 31 Konzert w/ Aho Ssan + KMRU, Carmen Villain, Jako Jako + Nana, Torus


Kraftwerk Aho Ssan + KMRU present ‘Limen’ [live] | Carmen Villain [live] | JakoJako + Nana present Infinitum [live] | Torus & Mark Prendergast [live AV]

OHM Listening Bar | Israel Vines | Isabassi | LF58 [live]


Advance tickets, 25€ available via Resident Advisor or “On the door”

Saturday, July 30, 2022 | 10 PM

Tresor 31 im Kraftwerk mit w/ Animistic Beliefs + Jeisson Drenth: CACHE/SPIRIT [live A/V], Kangding Ray [live A/V], Logic1000, machìna [live]


Kraftwerk Animistic Beliefs + Jeisson Drenth: CACHE/SPIRIT [live A/V] | Daniel Avery | Kangding Ray [live A/V] | Jana Woodstock | madwoman | s.a.t.i.n [live / World Premiere] | SHXCXCHCXSH with Pedro Maia [live A/V – World Premiere]

Globus Big Ever | Elena Colombi | Logic1000

Tresor Cynthia Spiering | Blush Response [live] | Samuel Kerridge | Nnamael

OHM Bloomfeld | D.K. | Happy New Tears | machìna [live]


Advance tickets 30€ available via Resident Advisor or “On the door”

Friday, July 29, 2022 | 10 PM

Tresor 31 at Kraftwerk with DJ Stingray 313, Helena Hauff, Lady Starlight, Verraco


Kraftwerk DJ Stingray 313 | Helena Hauff | L.F.T | Pablo Bozzi

Globus Awesome Tapes | MarshmeLLo | Maryisonacid | Tornado Wallace

Tresor Charlton | Lady Starlight [live] | Nastia Reigel | Sven von Thülen

OHM TraTraTrax Showcase | Verraco | Aquarian | Darwin | Dengue Dengue Dengue | Nyksan


Advance tickets 30€ available via Resident Advisor or “On the door”

Mittwoch 27.07.2022, 8 PM / Freier Eintritt

Intersectional Awareness + Equitable Curation


Mehr Details auf Resident Advisor und der Tresor 31 Webpage.

Linn Elisabet (Acts of Rebellion)

Lilia (Femme Bass Mafia)
Rafi (TS Raver)
Killa Schütze

Wie sieht eine gleichberechtigte Kuration von Veranstaltungen aus und welche Aspekte gehören dazu? Was sind die häufigsten Probleme / Fehler, die Menschen in Bezug auf gerechte Kuration machen, und was sind die Herausforderungen? Wie können Awareness-Teams Intersektionalität praktizieren? Wie können einzelne DJs, Clubs und Veranstalter zu Verbündeten werden und wie können wir dies zu einer Gemeinschaftsleistung ausbauen? Diese Fragen werden in dem Panel Intersectional Awareness + Equitable Curation thematisiert.


Staatskapelle Berlin:

Gletscherwelten im Heizkraftwerk

Ursprünglich für Juni 2021 geplant, wurde dieses Konzert auf Mai 2022 verschoben.

Für ihr zehntes Klimakonzert bespielen die Musiker*innen der Staatskapelle Berlin einen Ort Berliner Industriegeschichte: Das Kraftwerk Berlin. Als Heizkraftwerk Mitte versorgte es die Menschen lange Zeit mit Wärme ist es heute ein überwältigender Raum, in dessen spürbarer Energie die Künstler der Staatskapelle gemeinsam mit dem Dirigenten Frank Strobel die schmelzenden Gletscherlandschaften von vor 100 Jahren zu neuem Leben erwecken werden.

Die Weiße Hölle vom Piz Palü
(Deutschland 1929)
Ein Filmkonzert-Drama in vergangenen Gletscherlandschaften
Musik: Ashley Irwin

Frank Strobel, Dirigent
Staatskapelle Berlin

more information

7 May 2022

Stand with Ukraine Fundraiser Concert

‚Chernobyl | Live‘
Hildur Gudnadottir feat. Sam Slater & Chris Watson
Two sessions: 6pm and 10pm

Tickets: 30 EUR to 100 EUR

Chernobyl is presented by Krakow’s Unsound, Berlin’s CTM and Atonal, Dnipro-based festival Construction, Kraftwerk Berlin, Deutsche Grammophon and satis&fy. Media partner: Modern Matters.

All proceeds go to Help Ukraine Center, Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin e.V. and Ukraiński Dom w Warszawie / Fundacja Nasz Wybór

Tickets & Information


RIAS Kammerchor Berlin: Überirdisches II – Mond

Dirigent: Justin Doyle

Alec Roth Earthrise

für gem. Chor zu 40 Stimmen

Thomas Tallis Spem in alium

Alessandro Striggio Ecce beatam lucem

Antoine Brumel Missa „Et ecce terrae motus“ à 12 vocis

Meredith Monk Earth seen from above

Alec Roths 2010 uraufgeführtes Stück Earthrise ist eine Meditation auf die Ausbeutung der Welt durch die Menschheit, auf Visionen aus dem Weltraum, ein Plädoyer für Weisheit und gegenseitiges Verständnis. Mit 8 Chören à 5 Stimmen bedient es sich dem Format von Spem in alium von Thomas Tallis. Die Motette für 40 unabhängige Stimmen ist ein Fixstern in dessen Werk. 1573 muss das Publikum bei der Uraufführung verblüfft gewesen sein, unabhängig davon, ob es die Entstehungsanekdote kannte oder nicht. Tallis soll seine Komposition als Geste des Übertrumpfens auf seinen italienischen Kollegen Alessandro Striggio geschrieben haben, der zuvor ein ähnlich monumentales Werk nach England schickte. Die 12-stimmige Missa Et ecce terrae motus des Franzosen Antoine Brumel kommt als ein Stück Zukunftsmusik daher, das die Vision einer besseren Welt entwirft. Ein Meisterwerk des Kontrapunkts, das mit dichtem Stimmengewirr, komplexer Rhythmik und schwebendem Klangbild magisch-explosive Stimmung erzeugt.

more information


NFT Art Berlin

NFT Art Berlin is an extraordinary synthesis of art and electronic music presented by Bright Moments, an international NFT gallery from LA and New York. Every night, hundreds of new artworks will be born and revealed to a live audience in a monumental setting. Each evening will host different artist drops, guest DJs and an audiovisual crypto symphony.

Tickets available at the door.

Week 1: 06.04 – 08.04 – 09.04

Week 2: 13.04 – 15.04 – 16.04 – 17.04

Week 3: 20.04 – 22.04 – 23.04

tickets and more information

5. December 2021 – 30. January 2022

LAS presents

Robert Irwin

Light and Space (Kraftwerk Berlin)

Light and Space (Kraftwerk Berlin) is LAS’ newly commissioned and site-specific exhibition by renowned American artist Robert Irwin presented at Kraftwerk Berlin. For over five decades, Irwin’s oeuvre has been driven by his continuous inquiry into human perception and use of space. A pioneer of Light and Space, a loosely affiliated art movement related to Minimalism and geometric abstraction that originated in Southern California in the 1960s, Irwin is one of the most prolific artists to have emerged from that scene. His practice moved from early Abstract Expressionism in the 1950s to observation-based Minimalist painting, sculpture and wall-objects in the 1960s, before finally leaving the studio and object-centric practice altogether in 1970 for a strictly site-specific approach in which he conceived his art as closely shaped by the conditions of the surrounding space. The core tenets of his practice then came to the fore, favouring experiential relationships with built environments including museums and galleries, parks, gardens and other urban settings; Irwin began to work more extensively with fluorescent light.

Irwin’s Light and Space series consists of fluorescent light tubes in abstract, rhythmic yet undecipherable patterns spread on white walls with a high finish. Apart from being the largest work of its kind in Europe, this new iteration Light and Space (Kraftwerk Berlin) for the first time combines white with blue-coloured fluorescent light tubes – these are positioned on either side of a monumental 16×16 metre freestanding wall. With this work, Irwin combines his interest in Abstraction’s potential for a vision devoid of any precise object, alluding to his painterly experiments of the 1960s, with his more recent examinations of the conditions of colour perception.

The exhibition is a testament to Irwin’s ability to transform a space: he intervenes in Kraftwerk’s notable brutalist architecture to create an experience that invites viewers to immerse themselves in his experiments with light and space, challenging our perceptions and how perception can extend beyond a work of art, or, as the artist puts it: ‘How art structures the way we see the world.’

More information

Dec11 2021- Feb27, 2022

LAS presents

Sharon Eyal & Gai Behar
This Is Not A Love Show

LAS presents a series of live performances conceived by acclaimed Israeli choreographer Sharon Eyal and co-creator Gai Behar and set in the iconic building Kraftwerk Berlin.

Eyal & Behar have gained world acclaim for their artistic creations since they started working together in 2005. Trained in classical ballet and a long-term member of the renowned Batsheva Dance Company under Ohad Naharin, Eyal’s visceral style merges physicality, striking delicacy and uninhibited passion. Behar is well-known for having shaped Tel Aviv’s nightlife for years. Together their compositions are accompanied by the hypnotic sonic compositions of long-term musical collaborator Ori Lichtik, and characterised by nuanced expressions unique in contemporary dance.

Their dance company L-E-V (lev in Hebrew means heart) was founded in 2013 and is the confluence of movement, light, music, fashion and technology. Eyal’s signature style combines extreme emotions through movement. L-E-V is the culmination of years of momentum, and their original creations are delivered by fiercely talented dancers in cross-disciplinary stagings equally at home in a techno-club or opera house.

more information

25. September – 30. October 2021

Berlin Atonal presents

Metabolic Rift

An (un)guided exhibition-tour through the entire Kraftwerk building.

The exhibition operates as a sequenced series of site-specific interventions from leading international sound and visual artists, channeling an audience’s experience through organised time. Small groups enter previously unused spaces of the former powerplant to discover a choreographed succession of artistic assemblages. Borrowing the logic of a ‘ghost-train’, the principle is accumulation and the sequence of artwork-apparitions is set as if according to a musical score. The boundaries between things shift and reassemble. Seeing and hearing happens in a chain reaction, a circulation of kinetic energy.

A full experience unfolds over approximately 2 hours. Visitors can now book a day and time to access the (un)guided tour, available until sold out.

more information

11.-15. September 2021

ABOUT YOU Fashion Week

Autumn / Winter 2021

more information

6.-8. September 2021

MBFW Mercedes Benz Fashion Week

Collections Spring Summer 2022

Fashion Shows – Talks

more information

28. März, 18:00 Uhr bis
29. März 2020, 24:00 Uhr

The Long Now

The Long Now wurde leider aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie abgesagt. The Long Now is cancelled due to Corona Pandemic. Please follow this link for more information and ticket refund

Light Art Space (LAS)
23.11.2019 – 05.01.2020

LATENT BEING by Refik Anadol

Audiovisuelle Installation – audiovisual installation
Information & Tickets

Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag (Mo, Wed, Thu) 15-21 Uhr /// Freitag, Samstag (Fr, Sa) 12-23 Uhr /// Sonntag (Su) 12-21 Uhr /// Eintritt 10 EUR (reduziert 6 EUR) /// geschlossen (closed) 24.-25.12. und 1.1

11.-13. Oktober 2019

Funplace – Conference

Öffentliche Installation – Ausstellung – Konferenz – Award. Erleben Sie alles zum Thema Fotografie.

Mehr Information

28.08. – 01.09.2019


festival for new forms of expression

music – light – performances – installations

Weitere Informationen / further information: www.berlin-atonal.com

12.07. – 24.08.2019


kinetic audiovisual installation and performance

by Christopher Bauder (Lichtgrenze/SKALAR) & Robert Henke (Monolake) in cooperation with Kraftwerk Berlin

Ausstellung / Exhibition: 13 – 21 Uhr / 1pm – 9pm //// Tickets sind vor Ort verfügbar / Tickets at the door //// 12,50 EUR (reduced 9,50 EUR) / Family Ticket 20,50 EUR //// durchlaufende Installation / ständiger Einlass

Weitere Informationen / further information: www.deepweb.art

Change. Fashion. Together


fashion – sustainabilty – conferences – talks

more information

March 30 2019, 6pm until
March 31 2019, midnight

The Long Now

A collaboration between Atonal Berlin and Berliner Festspiele. Curated by Berno Odo Polzer, Laurens von Oswald and Harry Glass. 30 hours of concerts, soundinstallations, projections, live acts. The grand closing for MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues

more information

16. Dezember 2018 / 3. Advent


ein Spazier-Konzert mit dem Bundespolizeiorchester Berlin

Wir laden ein zu einem Spaziergang durch das Kraftwerk Berlin am 3. Advent. Hören Sie dabei dem Bundespolizeiorchester Berlin zu. Es wird mit seinem Leiter Gerd Herklotz in verschiedenen Besetzungen unsere Industriekathedrale akustisch erforschen. Forschen Sie mit. Der Eintritt ist frei, wir bitten jedoch um eine Spende für den Verein „Freunde alter Menschen e.V.“

Öffnungszeit 15:00 – 18:00 Uhr. Für Kaffee und Kuchen ist gesorgt.

mehr zu Freunde alter Menschen e.V.

mehr zum Bundespolizeiorchester Berlin

Yearly Festival Highlight
August 22-26 2018


music – light – new forms of expression

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12. August 2018

Stimmen im Kraftwerk Berlin

Wir laden Sie ein im Kraftwerk Berlin an einem Sonntag Spazieren zu gehen. Hören Sie dabei verschiedenen Chören zu, wie sie versuchen die Akustik unserer Industriekathedrale zu erforschen. Forschen Sie mit. Der Eintritt ist frei. Öffnungszeit 12:00 – 19:00 Uhr.

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Sustainable Fashion Design
July 3-6 2018

Greenshowroom & Ethical Fashion Show & Fashion Sustain

eco-fair – fashion – sustainable – streetwear – urban zeitgeist

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Cultural Discussion
June 22-23 2018

Martin Roth Symposium –
What can culture do?

About the museums of the 21st century, transnational cultural work, „the disobedience of objects“ and about international cooperation with compromises. Which foreign cultural is best suited to provide a future

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March 24 2018, 6pm until
March 25 2018, midnight

The Long Now

A collaboration between Atonal Berlin and Berliner Festspiele. Curated by Berno Odo Polzer, Laurens von Oswald and Harry Glass. 30 hours of concerts, soundinstallations, projections, live acts. The grand closing for MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues

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Art Installation & Performances
January 27 – February 25 2018

Reflections on Light and Sound

A large-scale art installation by Chrstopher and Kangding Ray which explores the complex impact of light and sound on human perception.
Monday – Thurday 3pm – 9pm
Friday – Saturday 1pm – 11pm
Sunday 1pm – 9pm

Performances Feb 4th 6pm & 8:30pm
and Feb 24th 8pm & 10:30pm

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Sustainable Fashion Design
January 16-18 2018

Greenshowroom &
Ethical Fashion Show

eco-fair – fashion – sustainable – streetwear – urban zeitgeist

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Art Exhibition
December 9 – January 3

Finale of the Qatar Germany 2017 Year of Culture

contemporary art – installations – photography – films

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Sun-Wed 10am-8pm /// Thu-Sat 10am-10pm
closed Dec 24, 25, 31 and New Years Day
So-Mi 10-20 Uhr /// Do-Sa 10-22 Uhr
geschlossen am 24., 25., 31.12. und 1.1.

presented by DSO & Berlin Atonal
September 29 2017


ROBIN TICCIATI and Deutsches Symphonie Orchester play Berio, Ives, Bach, Ligeti, Debussy and von Oswald

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Interactive Art Exhibition
September 1-24 2017


Sun-Wed 11am-9pm
Thu-Sat 11am-11pm

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August 16-20 2017


music – light – new forms of expression

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Fashion Trade Show
July 04-06 2017

Summer Edition 2017

international brands and designers. platform for business, ordering and networking.

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teenageinternetwork convention
23.-25. Juni 2017


Festival für digitale Jugendkultur. Coding, Gaming, Design, VR, Politik, DIY, Roboting, Smartphones, 3 Tage, 2 Bühnen, Vorträge, Aktionen

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MaerzMusik Closing
March 25-26 2017

The Long Now

30 hours nonstop. Concerts, soundinstallations, projections, live acts. The grand closing for MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues

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Fashion Trade Show
January 17-19 2017

Winter Edition 2017

international brands and designers. platform for business, ordering and networking.

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The Christmas Shopping Lounge
December 3-4 2016

urban holiday gifts

Sat, Dec 3, 12-10pm
Sun, Dec 4, 12-8pm

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November 19 2016


Electronica Duo from UK.
Doors 9pm, Warmup DJ, Concert 11:30pm

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SOLD OUT ::: Live Show
October 26, 28, 29 & 30 2016 – 9pm

Godfathers of Electro-Pop

38 years after founding the band Dieter Meier and Boris Blank will perform for the first time ever live on stage at Kraftwerk Berlin.
all shows are sold out. doors 7pm

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Food Fair & Pop Up Restaurant
October 1-8 2016


one week of highclass gastronomy in different shapes

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fair for contemporary art
September 15-18 2016


Open daily 1pm-9pm, Sunday 7pm
Opening: September 14 6pm

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Open Doors & Screening
July 17 2016

walking through a powerstation

Sunday afternoon invitation to stroll around in the empty powerstation and watch the 1930s Billy Wilder movie „Menschen am Sonntag“. Open 1 to 7pm.

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Fashion Trade Event
June 27-29 2016

Summer Edition 2016

250 international brands and designers. platform for business, ordering and networking.

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International Design Festival
June 2-5 2016

DMY Berlin

new products – prototypes – design concepts

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March 19-20 2016

The Long Now

30 hours nonstop. Concerts, soundinstallations, projections, live acts. The grand closing for MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues 2016

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Public World Premiere
March 15th, 16th & 17th 2016

SLEEP by Max Richter

with Max Richter, The Max Richter Ensemble and Grace Davidson (Soprano). An 8 hour lullaby starting at midnight. Beds will be provided. Presented by Berliner Festspiele / MaerzMusik – Festival for Time Issues 2016 in collaboration with Deutsche Grammophon, Berlin Atonal and Kraftwerk Berlin

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Fashion Trade Event
January 18-20 2016

Winter Edition 2016

250 international brands and designers. platform for business, ordering and networking.

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The Christmas Shopping Lounge
December 12-13, 2015

design up close and personal

Sat, Dec 12, 12-10pm
Sun, Dec 13, 12-8pm

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Classic Choir Concert
December 5, 2015

Cantus Domus sings J.S. Bach: „Messe in h-moll“

8:00 pm

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digital solutions for social problems
November 20, 2015

labtogether 2015

5 Keynotes, 20 breakout sessions and score of inspiring examples of social digital

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Food Fair & Pop Up Restaurant
Sep 28 – Oct 4, 2015


one week of highclass gastronomy for all food lovers

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fair for contemporary art
September 17-20 2015


Open daily 1pm-9pm, Sunday 7pm
Opening: September 16 6pm

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07.-09. Juli 2015

Berlin Fashion Trade Event

Hochkarätige, internationale Kollektionen und Designer präsentieren wegweisende Trends.

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International Design Festival
June 11-14 2015

DMY Berlin

new products – prototypes – design concepts

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MaerzMusik 2015
March 28-29 2015

The Long Now

More than 24 hours project as closing of MaerzMusik 2015. Concerts, soundinstallations, projections, live acts. Morton Feldman, Phill Niblock, Leif Inge, Burkhard von Harder, Pierluigi Billone u.a.

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19.-21. Januar 2015

Berlin Fashion Trade Event

Hochkarätige, internationale Kollektionen und Designer präsentieren wegweisende Trends.

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Holy.Shit.Shopping Vol.10
06.+07. Dezember 2014

Die Weihnachts-Shopping-Lounge

Samstag 06. Dez 12:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Sonntag 07. Dez 12:00 bis 20:00 Uhr

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21.-24. August 2014

A festival for new methods in sight + sound

Berlin Atonal 2014

Concerts – discussions – exhibitions – street food

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19. – 22. September 2013

Messe für zeitgenössische bildende Kunst und Fotografie

Täglich 13:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
Opening: 18. September 18:00 Uhr

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20. August 2013 21:00

YELLOW LOUNGE @Kraftwerk Berlin
Eine Konzertreihe der Deutschen Grammophon

Live Rundfunkchor Berlin
Dj: Artoo, Boogie Boris (King Size), Canisius, Clé [Märtini Brös], Eva Be [Sonar Kollektiv], FM, McLyntock, Paul Frick [Brandt Brauer Frick], Phonique, Terrible [washing machine]
Vjs: Pfadfinderei

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25. – 31. July 2013

A festival for new methods in sight + sound

Berlin Atonal 2013: Forming Space

Concerts – discussions – exhibitions – street food

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02. – 04. Juli 2013

Berlin Fashion Trade Event

Hochkarätige, internationale Kollektionen und Designer präsentieren wegweisende Trends.

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19 March 2013

Encounters –
RIAS Chamber choir meets the Primaner

Doors open: 07pm
Start: 08pm
Tickets: 18,- €, reduced 13,- €

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Fashion Fair
15 – 17 January 2012

Berlin Fashion Trade Event

Over 150 top class designers present their trends and international brands.

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22 – 25 September 2012

Calexico, Get Well Soon, Moneybrother, Max Herre and many more

Doors open: 20:00
Begin: 21:00

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Art Fair
13 – 16 September 2012

Fair for contemporary fine art and photography

Daily 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.,
on 16 September 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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19 April – 01 May 2012

Ryoji Ikeda
data.anatomic [ civics ]
Audio visual installation

Daily 14:00 – 22:00
Entrance free

data.anatomy [civic] is the name of the new audio visual installation of the renowned Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda. In his work Ikeda abstracts the complexity of the physical object into a binding aesthetic experience.

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01 – 11 March 2012

„Al gran sole carico d’amore“

Under the great sun loaded with love
Azione Scenica in two parts by Luigi Nono

1, 3, 5, 9 March 2012 7.30 p.m.
11 March 2012 3 p.m.

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Fashion Fair
17- 20 January 2012

Berlin Fashion Trade Event

Over 150 top class, international collections and designers.
Leading trends and international brands.

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Dance Theatre
07– 30 December 2011

Red Bull Flying Bach

07 to 11 December 2011
14 to 18 December 2011
28 to 30 December 2011

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22 September 2011

Rias Kammerchor meets Radialsystem

Wander concert with the RIAS Chamber Choir
From 8.30 p.m. (doors open: 8 p.m.)
Tickets € 18 | reduced € 14

Gustav Mahler / Clytus Gottwlad
Olivier Messiaen
Wolfgang Rihm
Gregorio Allegri
Sergej Rachmaninov

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Monday, 19 September 2011

Two Brothers, the Bering Lake and the Catch of Their Life

We present „Time Bandit“, a biography with stormy strength and icy rain, masterfully narrated by Newsweek reporter Malcolm MacPherson. Stephan Benson, the German voice of James Bond (Daniel Craig) will read. Cameron Glendenning, the „Director of Photograph“ shall attend and tell of the filming under threat of death and how fishermen at the edge of the world became media stars with their own agents.

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15 – 18 September 2011

Concert in cooperation with motor fm & ZDF Kulturkanal

Begin 9 p.m. ( doors open from 8 p.m.)
15 September 2011: Einstürzenden Neubauten & Wire & Caspar Brötzmann Masaker
16 September 2011: dEUS & Art Brut & TBA
17 September 2011: Kasabian & Evaline & Mads Langer
18 September 2011: Gamma Ray & Bullet & Crucified Barbara

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Art Fair
08 – 11 September 2011

Fair for contemporary fine art and photography

Opening: Wednesday, 7 September 2011, 6 to 11 p.m.
Opening times: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., on 11 Sep. 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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02 October – 28 November 2010


Presentation of over 250 architectural models on the future of our cities.

Daily 10:00 – 20:00

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